
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Manic Monday

One of the most distablizing aspects of my life in France, is my schedule. Not that it's hectic, it's just completely disorganized and that wrecks havoc on all the other aspects of my life. For a teacher there is a tendancy to have hours grouped together at any time on any given day. For example, on Monday I teach from 4:45 to 8:00, Tuesday is my only free day for the moment, Wednesday all day from 9am to 8:30 pm with quite a few gaps in the middle, Thursday 3:30 to 6 pm, Friday 8am to 10:30, Saturday 9:30-10:30 and 2pm to 4pm. All of this is subject to change too. It's not really the number of classes (I only have 6 or 7, all once a week) it's the fact that I never disconnect from this activity that gives me no pleasure. The result of all this is my equilibrium is out of sync. Classes are always more or less on my mind and I never have time to dedicate completely to any other activities: writing, fitness, cinema, culture, small trips, socializing, deep thinking. Sometimes, I even have to find time to go grocery shopping since in this town everything closes at 7pm. Add housework with other obligations in life and I'm spinning. This is a key element to my floating in France. One days glides chaotically into the next. I go to bed early one night, then really late the next. I cook and eat on the run. It's frustrating. For a teacher, it's nearly impossible to have a set schedule. As the year spins by I get bogged down in preparations, corrections and photocopies, I become detached, and lose my soul. Besides, when one is contemplating change in profession, change of city, change of lifestyle, the result is chaos. My tragic flaw: I'm not multitasked

Now it's Monday, 1:15 , I just prepared my daily classes, and soon it will all start over again. Do you know what it's like to feel a certain blah? No desire to go to work, to chuck it all and take the day to do whatever you want. I always have the reation to call and say with a hoarse voice. I caaann't coome. cough cough. I'm so sick. But I won't. I'm saving that for another day. Today is a highly profitable day and I cannot afford to be ill. Alas, let the floating begin. I'll start by listening to the Bangles. Click the title of the blog and listen with me. RT

1 comment:

  1. hey dude, I like you. you seem to be a nice guy. I would like to give you a suggestion if you don't mind. go to Vietnam and get a nice girl. you will feel like the "who wants to marry a millionaire". you say that from June to October you have all the time to yourself. get a woman man and that will change your life. check it out man! happiness is near the corner.
